MPI Technologies company specializes in the production of high pressure pump aggregates with HAUHINCO pumps which are used in black coal mining as pump stations for the supply of emulsion to powered roof supports and water pump stations for powering spraying systems of powered roof supports, cooling drives of the equipment working near longwall and to power longwall shearer spraying systems.
MPI EPS (Emulsion Pump Station) pumps and MPI WPS (Water Pump Station) are designed by our highly qualified staff which has many years of experience in high pressure hydraulics. These pumps boast to be best-quality devices and the components used in their production come from recognized Polish and world manufacturers.
Each MPI Technologies pump station is designed according to client’s request and based on plant’s actual needs and mining and geological conditions. Thanks to the individual approach, it is possible to optimize the operating costs of the aggregates themselves as well as other devices directly/indirectly influenced by other equipment provided by MPI company.
Many years of rich professional experience of MPI Technologies employees in powered hydraulics have enabled us to realize a lot of pump stations delivery projects for roof supports as well as for roof supports spraying system, cooling drives of longwall equipment and for powering longwall shearer spraying system both in Poland and abroad. Our last projects for foreign markets include deliveries, for example, to Russian mines (2020), the Czech Republic (2019) and Kazakhstan (2019).